Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People

GAVU – Exhibition from the Depository

24. 2. –28. 8. 2022

Curated by Lukáš Bártl

Photographer Václav Jírů (1910–1980) founded the local Fotografie [Photography] magazine in 1957 and subsequently ran it throughout the 1960s. His eye mainly focused on Prague, recording it in its unsentimental, everyday life. In 1962, Jírů’s exhibition “Prague and Its People” ranked among the first ones held by GAVU Cheb. The images ended up in its collections, stored as an anonymous file. Today, we present them again to remind and commemorate the gallery’s 60th anniversary as well as the exhibition.

Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -
Václav Jírů, Prague and Its People -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163
e-mail: info@gavu.cz



Program july - september 2024 CZ / EN





Celoroční výstavní program je
podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

© Copyright GAVU Cheb 2015