The History of a Factory in Plesná. Adolf Päsold and Sons / Stavokonstrukce / Elroz / Fleysen (1878 - 2023)

Retromuseum - Mezzanine

16. 3.-3. 9. 2023

Curated by Jana Pokorná Kalousková, Jiří Gordon

The exhibition maps out the history of a factory that was one of the few in West Bohemia to survive all the pitfalls of the 20th century and demonstrated incredible resilience and the ability to adapt to all political circumstances. The history of the factory complex today known as Elroz Invest, situated in Plesná near Cheb, dates back to 1910, when the company Adolf Päsold was founded. The famous textile enterprise extended beyond the Czechoslovak border and became a major producer of children’s clothing as far afield as the British Isles, with its local plant in Langley near London. The successful period, during which the family business flourished steadily under Adolf’s sons, was disrupted by the Second World War when the German Reich authorities put the factory into receivership because its owners were British citizens. The decrees of President Beneš, introduced in 1945, in contrast, recognized the Päsold brothers as entitled to restitution due to their foreign citizenship. The plant’s promising prospects, nonetheless, did not last long. It had fallen victim to the so-called 1948 nationationalization. Its 1960s imaginary second period thus began. It became the Stavokonstrukce national enterprise. It switched to metal production and began providing electrometer distribution boards for prefab houses. The exhibition will not omit the final, modern period of the Plesná factory, which successfully continues the history of metal production by making metal racks and cabinets. In addition, it has launched a new collection of metal furniture and interior accessories under the Fleysen brand in cooperation with young designers

The History of a Factory in Plesná. Adolf Päsold and Sons / Stavokonstrukce / Elroz / Fleysen (1878 - 2023) -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163



Program January - March 2024 CZ / EN



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podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

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