Revelatio. Arbor vitae / Martin Souček

GAVU – Large Gallery

3. 10. 2024–5. 1. 2025

Curator Marcel Fišer

The exhibition, organised on the occasion of the 60th birthday of the publisher, collector and poet Martin Souček, features his art collection and the parallel art publications of his publishing house Arbor Vitae. The publishing house was established in the early 1990s in Náchod, in close proximity to the Gallery of Fine Arts. The first books to be published were catalogues of local exhibitions; later he concentrated on fine art and architecture. Before long, Souček began to collaborate with several major figures in Czech art, for whom he became their main publisher. This included people such as Stanislav Kolíbal, Eva and Jan Švankmajer, and František Skála. Today there’s a long line of such figures — not only artists but also art historians and typographers, who appreciate Arbor Vitae’s professionalism, personal approach, and above all, dedication to achieving the most perfect result — a beautifully produced book. This corresponds with the fact that Arbor Vitae is the most successful publishing house in a prestigious competition: The Most Beautiful Book of the Year. Alongside his publishing activities, Martin Souček began to systematically collect art. In addition to the personalities with whom he came into close contact while publishing their catalogues and monographs (Rudolf Dzurko, Marie Blabolilová, Vladimír Hanuš, Jan Hýsek), the presentation displays several areas corresponding to the books he published, be it Surrealism, Symbolism, art by Czech Germans, and Art Brut. Also a significant subject of Souček’s collecting and editorial interest was the art of the post-war generation (Zdeněk Palcr, Miloslav Chlupáč, Stanislav Podhrázský, Zbyněk Sekal, Mojmír Preclík).

Revelatio. Arbor vitae / Martin Souček -
Revelatio. Arbor vitae / Martin Souček -
Revelatio. Arbor vitae / Martin Souček -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163



Program October - December 2024 EN



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