INFOSYSTEM 7080. Information and Orientation Systems in Czech Architecture of the 1970s and 1980s

Retromuseum Cheb – First floor

19. 9. 2024–2. 3. 2025

Curator Pavel Coufalík

Komentovaná prohlídka výstavy spojená s uvedením knihy 29. listopadu v 17.00.

Modern orientation graphics began to develop in Czechoslovakia in the first half of the 1970s, in connection with transport. Soon, information and orientation systems started to facilitate navigation in other functional spaces as well — such as department stores, cultural buildings, accommodation facilities, sports complexes, and housing estates. Infographics were also used in non-public areas, for example in production facilities. Sophisticatedly designed wayfinding systems thus became an integral part of architecture during this period, whether purely on a purposeful level or with the intention of adding an artistic touch to often unique interiors. The authors of these realisations were the leading graphic artists of their time, yet are now completely forgotten creators, or in some cases the architects themselves. The long-term research project Infosystem 7080 provides a comprehensive view of the information and orientation systems implemented in a wide range of Czech architecture in the 1970s and 1980s.

INFOSYSTEM 7080. Information and Orientation Systems in Czech Architecture of the 1970s and 1980s -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163



Program October - December 2024 EN



Celoroční výstavní program je
podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

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